Upcoming Tournaments





6/3/2024  Mike Bailey ~ 300

6/17/2024  Adam Pelc ~ 300

6/24/2024  George Goss IV ~ 300

7/1/2024  Herb Fitch ~ 300

7/24/2024  Steve Rhodes ~ 300

8/16/2024  Cody Gatz ~ 300

8/16/2024  Albert Nash ~ 811

10/9/2024  Dan Baignosche ~ 300

10/11/2024  Adam Neidhammer ~ 300/801

10/25/2024  Kyle Bailey ~ 300

10/26/2024  Macallan Gagne ~ 805

12/6/2024  Kyle Collegian ~ 300

12/11/2024  Phil Baker ~ 300

12/11/2024  Chris Kitchon ~ 300

12/13/2024  Al Nash ~ 300

12/14/2024  Macallan Gagne ~ 300

1/10/2025  Ross Boone ~ 815

1/22/2025  Adam Greenlese ~ 300

2/3/2025  Wayne Petterson ~ 300/820

2/7/2025  Kyle Bailey ~ 300

2/8/2025  Mark Wadsworth ~ 300

2/10/2025  Kevin Lloyd ~ 300/803




5/15/2023  Scott Germain ~ 831

6/14/2023  Brady Jennings ~ 300

8/7/2023  Bob Forbes ~ 300

9/8/2023  Hunter Chandler ~ 815

9/29/2023  Luke Rupp ~ 300

11/10/2023  Tyler Clifford ~ 802

11/24/2023  John Weekly ~ 300

11/27/2023  Rodney Lange ~ 300

12/1/2023  Jeff Vanburen ~ 300

12/8/2023  Cliff Stoddard ~ 300

12/15/2023  Vince Palmier ~ 300/824

12/15/2023  Nick King ~ 300

12/19/2023  Cliff Miller Jr ~ 300

1/17/2024  Mike Krawczyk ~ 300

1/19/2024  Steve Forbes ~ 300/804

1/19/2024  John Hudson ~ 300

1/19/2024  Tyler Clifford ~ 300

1/22/2024  Joe Gatz ~ 807

1/26/2024  Cliff Stoddard ~ 300

2/2/2024  Nick King ~ 300

2/14/2024  Cliff Miller Jr ~ 300

2/26/2024  Eric Dobert ~ 300

2/27/2024  Eric Lenge ~ 823

3/29/2024  Bob Forbes ~ 822

4/5/2024  Scott Dufore ~ 300

4/5/2024  Tony Palumbo ~ 300

4/12/2024  Luke Rupp ~ 300

4/12/2024  Al Nash ~ 300

4/26/2024  Al Nash ~ 300

League bowling is a great way to meet new people.  Young, old, amateur or semi-professional, at Saratoga Strike Zone we have a league for you.  Do you have a group of family, friends, or coworkers that you would like to form a league with?  Call us today to form your own league.  You get to decide how often and for how long you would like to bowl.  It is your league, you get to make the rules. For information on dates and times please call 518-584-6460

March Madness 2024 Winners

Winner:  Wendell Petit

Runner-Up:  Dan Baignosche

